Yes: Hide and seek has just been launched on Quest’s flagship store. But even before that, the game racked up nearly 20,000 reviews on App Lab in just a few months. More than a clone, yes understand what is special about it Tag Gorilla and how to add meaningful new elements to the experience.
There are those who have dismissed it Tag Gorilla as a ‘meme game’ and a viral case of sorts. And there are those who see something special in the game that is worth understanding. U.S. too Gorilla label recent milestone of $100 million in revenue, it’s fair to say the second group has the right idea.
Developer Trass Games certainly sees value in understanding what it does Tag Gorilla special. with Yes: Hide and seeklaunched on Quest App Lab just a few months ago, the studio has successfully emulated the game’s core wing-based movement and social aspect, fusing it with building elements along the lines of Fortnite AND Minecraft.
The game doesn’t just copy Gorilla label essential elements, but pushes them further. The social aspect is reinforced with in-game items and crafting, allowing players to make their own structures, mini-games and activities. And the wing-based movement is complemented by even more free-flowing movements, such as sliding, crashing and drop basics.
And it’s working.
In just four months at App Lab, yes garnered more than 20,000 comments. And the game still doesn’t launch on Quest’s flagship store until July 18 — where it’s likely to grow even faster.
Tag Gorilla itself followed a similar trajectory. Originally launched on App Lab, the game spent nearly a year there as it spread rapidly through word-of-mouth alone, eventually surpassing Defeat Saber as the most reviewed game on Quest—even though it hadn’t launched on the main Quest store until that point.
Since entering Quest’s flagship store in late 2022, Tag Gorilla has grown even further, now having more than 117,000 reviews – the most of any game on Quest. The game also recently broke $100 million in revenue and 1 million daily active players.
until Tag Gorilla has spawned countless clones, games like yes and others are taking the parts of the game that work best and turning them into something new. The result has been a new genre of VR gaming unfolding before our eyes.
Update (July 1, 2024): An earlier version of this article stated that Yeeps had just launched on Quest’s flagship store. It won’t actually start until July 18; this has been corrected.
#Quest #Sleeper #Hit #Yeeps #Hide #Seek #Evolves #Gorilla #Tag #Formula
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